Code: Hip Hop Intermediate/Advanced 10+ y/o (July-Aug 2018) Millwoods
Level: ---

7 week session - July 9th to August 20th, 2019

*pre-requisite: Year-long program or Intermediate hip hop (or by invitation or assessment by instructor)

Students who have completed a minimum of 1 semester in hip hop or passed an audition with the instructor are invited to attend this class.
This class will continue to teach various hip hop elements including lockin', poppin' and breakin' to the young dancer at an intermediate level. More advanced technique will be introduced.
Students will continue to explore this groove-based style and get to dance on popular music in a fun and challenging environment.

*The minimum age of this class must be met within the term to register.

Session-end Recital:

Please mark your calendars - there will be a "Student/Teacher Showcase" for this session on Wed August 21, 2019 (approx 6:30-8pm, exact time to be confirmed). All children in our current classes are encouraged to join in and participate so that they can showcase their dances for friends and family!

Tickets for the showcase will range between $10-15 per person - more details will be announced in class.

Please note that should your child participate in the showcase, costume expenses will be minimal. Parents will be in charge of acquiring the necessary attire according to the given guidelines.

Tuesday, 07:15 PM - 75 min.

Price: $124.25 + GST

Please sign in before adding to the class